We are a company specialised in e-commerce founded in 2013 .Our aim is to provide the very best products for you and your horse, not only at the lowest prices but with the back up of excellent customer service and after sales service.
We know how important our horses are to us, we are horse owners ourselves! We have selected brands that we truly believe in - all tried and tested rigorously ourselves so we know exactly how fantastic they are.
We believe that e-commerce is today's way of shopping and that it
will grow more and more in the future. It provides us with many
conveniences - we don't have to go further than our bed in order to
do our shopping. We can instantly check the reviews of a particular
product from people who already purchased. We take those
features and try to take them to the next level so you can get the
best possible experience.
You can contact our customer services team by email contact@greatequinetack.com
Great Equine Tack
Shelton Street, London
+44 7782 000800